BattleBots Wiki
BattleBots Wiki

Ranked Robots:

1.  Crusher Deluxe 

2.  Tyrannical Leader 

3.  Running RampANT 

4.  Slicasaurus 

5.  Smasher 

6.  Brutal Destruction 

7.  FlatlineD Destroyer 

8.  Aries Advanced 

9.  MEGA Scooper 

10. Cutting Edge 

11. S.A.K 

12. Levitator 

Qualifier - Rookies:

Goliath Frog vs Lobster vs Nutcase vs Pendulum vs Toe-Rag vs Turbo Prop 

6th: Turbo Prop

5th: Toe-Rag

4th: Pendulum

3rd: Lobster

2nd: Goliath Frog

Winner: Nutcase

Qualifier - Veterans:

Horror Hotrod Reborn vs Hunk of Junk vs Speed Demon vs Two-Pronged Attack vs Vampire Bat Fangs vs Yellow Peril 

6th: Horror Hotrod Reborn

5th: Two-Pronged Attack

4th: Yellow Peril

3rd: Speed Demon

2nd: Hunk of Junk

Winner: Vampire Bat Fangs

Round 1:

(1)  Crusher Deluxe vs Vampire Bat Fangs 

Winner: (1)  Crusher Deluxe

(2)  Tyrannical Leader vs Hunk of Junk 

Winner: (2)  Tyrannical Leader  

(3)  Running RampANT vs Speed Demon 

Winner: Speed Demon

(4)  Slicasaurus vs Yellow Peril 

Winner: Yellow Peril

(5)  Smasher vs Two-Pronged Attack 

Winner: (5)  Smasher

(6)  Brutal Destruction vs Horror Hotrod Reborn 

Winner: Horror Hotrod Reborn

(7)  FlatlineD Destroyer vs Nutcase 

Winner: Nutcase

(8)  Aries Advanced vs Goliath Frog 

Winner: (8) Aries Advanced

(9)  MEGA Scooper vs Lobster 

Winner: (9) MEGA Scooper

(10) Cutting Edge vs Pendulum 

Winner: Pendulum

(11) S.A.K vs Toe-Rag 

Winner: (11) S.A.K

(12) Levitator vs Turbo Prop 

Winner: Turbo Prop

Round 2:

(1) Crusher Deluxe vs Horror Hotrod Reborn 

Winner: (1) Crusher Deluxe

(2) Tyrannical Leader vs (5) Smasher 

Winner: (5) Smasher

(8) Aries Advanced vs (11) S.A.K 

Winner: (11) S.A.K

(9) MEGA Scooper vs Turbo Prop 

Winner: Turbo Prop

Nutcase vs Pendulum 

Winner: Nutcase

Speed Demon vs Yellow Peril 

Winner: Yellow Peril

Round 3:

(1) Crusher Deluxe vs Yellow Peril 

Winner: (1) Crusher Deluxe

(5) Smasher vs Nutcase 

Winner: (5) Smasher

(11) S.A.K vs Turbo Prop 

Winner: (11) S.A.K  

Losers' Bracket:

Nutcase vs Turbo Prop vs Yellow Peril 

Winner: Turbo Prop


(1) Crusher Deluxe vs (11) S.A.K 

Winner: (11) S.A.K

(5) Smasher vs Turbo Prop 

Winner: Turbo Prop

Final: (11) S.A.K vs Turbo Prop 

Winner: Turbo Prop

Third Place:

(1) Crusher Deluxe vs (5) Smasher 

Winner: (5) Smasher

Battle for 5th Place:

Nutcase vs Yellow Peril

Winner: Yellow Peril

Battle for 7th Place:

(2) Tyrannical Leader vs (8) Aries Advanced vs (9) MEGA Scooper vs Horror Hotrod Reborn vs Pendulum vs Speed Demon

6th: Pendulum

5th: Horror Hotrod Reborn

4th: Speed Demon

3rd: MEGA Scooper

2nd: Tyrannical Leader

Winner: Aries Advanced
