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Skid Mark (Sometimes spelled SkidMark) was a lightweight robot built by Robert Everhart for Team Half-Life and competed in the final three seasons of Comedy Central BattleBots.

It was designed to look like its superheavyweight counterpart, Atomic Wedgie, with its triangular chassis and spinning tri-foils on the back, though with an added flipper for Season 3.0. It did quite averagely in competition, both winning and losing thrice. For Season 4.0, Skid Mark was redesigned to have a single spinning disk on the back to coincide with Atomic Wedgie's updates.

Robot History[]

Season 3.0[]

Skid Mark vs Half Ass N Random

Skid Mark's first match ever in BattleBots was against Half Ass N Random in the final preliminary round. Skid Mark won by KO at 1:39 and advanced to the TV rounds.

Skidmarkvsfang sf01

Skid Mark flips Fang.

Skid Mark vs Fang

The match ended quickly as Skid Mark immediately flipped Fang on its back. Skid Mark won by KO at 0:57 and advanced to the Round of 32.

Skid Mark's vs Crashes Clay

Skid Mark won on a 33-12 judges decision and advanced to the Round of 16, where it faced Season 1.0 lightweight champion Backlash.

Skid Mark vs Backlash

Skidmark v backlash

Skid Mark getting torn up by Backlash.

Both robots crashed into each other several times, and Skid Mark got underneath Backlash a few times. However, Backlash came back and flipped Skid Mark with its disc. Both robots continued pushing each other until Skid Mark eventually stopped moving. With only a few seconds left, Skid Mark was counted out at 2:58, and Backlash won the match by KO. After the fight, Robert Everhart and Team Half-Life all signed one of the Backlash-scarred steel trifoils from Skid Mark, and presented it to Jim Smentowski as a trophy. 

3.0 Royal Rumble

Skid Mark also participated the Lightweight Royal Rumble at the end of the tournament. Skid Mark only went around in circles and was later immobile. In the end, Skid Mark lost to Ziggo.

Season 4.0[]

For competing in Season 3.0, Skid Mark's was allowed to skip the preliminary rounds of Season 4.0.

Skid Mark vs Death by Monkeys

Death By Monkeys won on a close 23-22 judges' decision, and Skid Mark was eliminated from the tournament again.

4.0 Lightweight Consolation Rumble

Skidmarklwrumble sfb01

Skid Mark gets pushed against the spikestrip by Dr. Inferno Jr.

Skid Mark also participated the lightweight consolation rumble at the end of the tournament. In the beginning, Skid Mark got underneath LocoMotion and crashes into the spikestrip. Skid Mark managed to escape and chases after Bulldog in the corner of the BattleBox. Skid Mark was moving around the BattleBox and started attacking Mouser Classic Mecha-Catbot with its wedge and spinning disc. After this, The Crusher got underneath Skid Mark and pushed it against an immobile Bulldog. Skid Mark escapes and started attacking Scrap Daddy Surplus for a brief moment. At this point, Skid Mark was moving in circles and started smoking.


Skid Mark starts smoking

As this was happening, Scrap Daddy Surplus started attacking Skid Mark with its ball and chain. Dr. Inferno Jr. got underneath the right side of Skid Mark and pushed it against the spikestrip with a little help from Gamma Raptor. Skid Mark escapes the spikestrip and kept moving in circles for the rest of the rumble. As Mouser Classic Mecha-Catbot was being pushed around by LocoMotion, Skid Mark struck Mouser Classic Mecha-Catbot with its spinning disk, ripping off a big piece of its shell. Skid Mark didn't do much after that before time ran out. Skid Mark was one of few robots still moving in the end, but it lost out to The Crusher and Dr. Inferno Jr.

Season 5.0[]

Skidmark vs serial box killer 5

Skid Mark fighting Serial Box Killer.

For competing in Season 4.0, Skid Mark was allowed to skip the preliminary rounds of Season 5.0,

Skid Mark vs Serial Box Killer

Serial Box Killer won by KO, and Skid Mark was eliminated from the tournament once again.


  • Wins: 3
  • Losses: 3
Competition Wins Losses
Season 3.0

Half Ass N Random


Crashius Clay

Season 4.0 None Death By Monkeys
Season 5.0 None Serial Box Killer