Released in 2001 by Tiger Electronics, Pocketbots were a short-lived series of miniature BattleBots competitors, designed to be pocket-sized as their name suggests.
The Pocketbots were smaller than the Battle Bashers toy line, but larger than Battle Chains. At the back of each toy was a string that connected to a clip, allowing these toys to be attached to personal belongings. Only six Pocketbots were produced in total.
These toys were motorized and featured additional moving weaponry, unlike the much smaller MiniBots. Each release had a toggle switch which would either be set to "locked" or "released", and when released, a light would flash to indicate it is active. Two Pocketbots could be connected together to "fight", though users had no control over the toys themselves at this stage. Due to their unique functionality, it is not possible to fight more than two Pocketbots in the intended way.
- Despite being released in 2001, the Minion Pocketbot toy is interesting based on its Las Vegas 1999 look.