Mark Rider, known professionally as Rider, is an American voice-over artist who narrated the 2023 Discovery specials BattleBots: Nastiest Knockouts and BattleBots: Most Outrageous Moments.
On January 4, 2023, he reposted the episode's trailer and confirmed his involvement. In the end credits, he is credited by his professional name, 'Rider'.[1]
Outside BattleBots[]
Originally from Chicago, Illinois, Rider graduated from Winona State University in 1992 in Minnesota studying mass communication. His career began as a morning show radio host, where he won the the Colorado Broadcasters Association Award for Best Morning Show in 2009 and the 2012 American Country Music Award for Major Market Radio Personality of the Year.
He has over two decades of voiceover experience, having worked for CBS Sports, National Geographic and FOX, among other networks.