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HammerHead was a lightweight robot built by Team Brute Force which competed in two seasons of Comedy Central BattleBots, as well as the 1999 Long Beach event.

It was a box-shaped, invertible robot armed with front and rear spiked plows. It performed decently in competition, reaching the Round of 32 during its final season as well as winning two lightweight rumbles.

Hammerhead was built by who also built the heavyweight competitor Annihilator for the Las Vegas 1999 event and the middleweight Twister for Season 3.0.

Robot History[]

Long Beach 1999[]

HammerHead vs. Paranoid Android

HammerHead's first match was against Paranoid Android. Paranoid Android won the fight by KO and HammerHead immediately fell into the loser's bracket.

HammerHead vs. Harvey WallBanger

HammerHeadvsHarveyWallBanger LB99

The impact between HammerHead and Harvey WallBanger.

HammerHead later came back for the loser's bracket, where it faced Harvey WallBanger. Harvey WallBanger won the fight by crowd vote and HammerHead was eliminated again.

Kilobot Rumble


HammerHead slams and flips Instigator.


HammerHead slams into Defiant during the kilobot rumble.

HammerHead also participated the Kilobot Rumble at the end of the tournament. It fought a total of eighteen other robots: Mouser Catbot 2001, Sallad, The Missing Link, Hot Air, Instigator, W.L.O.W., Gorange 3, Lock-Nut Monster, Rasta, RACC, Toe-Crusher, Defiant, Spike of Doom, Executioner, Ziggo and Knome. HammerHead performed well, slamming and flipping Instigator at one point, as well as clashing with Ziggo, Defiant, Toe-Crusher and hitting several robots. As a result, HammerHead got the biggest cheer from the crowd and was declared the winner of Kilobot rumble.

Season 2.0[]

HammerHead vs. Sublime II

Hammerhead sublime 2

HammerHead on the killsaws while fighting Sublime II.

HammerHead's first opponent in Season 2.0 was Sublime II. HammerHead and Sublime II moved swiftly around the arena, colliding into each other several times. HammerHead gets caught on the killsaws several times, as does Sublime II, who loses the lower part of its weapon from the killsaws. HammerHead repeatedly rammed Sublime II, hard enough for a wheel to fall off. Sublime II was still moving in the end and HammerHead won the fight on a unanimous 45-0 judges' decision.

HammerHead vs. Beta Raptor


The initial impact between the two robots.

HammerHead Beta Raptor

HammerHead next to the killsaws, immobilized.

HammerHead's next opponent was Beta Raptor. Both robots charged straight at each other and HammerHead suddenly stopped moving after the impact as its killswitch had been switched off. HammerHead was counted out and Beta Raptor won the fight in only 30 seconds. This win put Beta Raptor to the quarter-finals and HammerHead was eliminated from the tournament again.

Lightweight Royal Rumble

HammerHead also participated the Lightweight Royal Rumble at the end of the tournament. It took on Serial Box Killer, Sublime II, Toe-Crusher, No Tolerance III, Mecha Tentoumushi, Beta Raptor, Dr. Inferno Jr., The Crusher, Das Bot, Afterthought 2.0, Scrap Daddy LW 55, Ziggo, Sallad, Shish-ka-bot, Fang, Green Dragon, Mouser Mecha-Catbot and Scrub. Like at Long Beach, HammerHead performed well and ultimately won the rumble.

Season 3.0[]

HammerHead vs. Rim Tin Tin


HammerHead pushes and slams Rim Tin Tin into the killsaws.


HammerHead was lifted by Rim Tin Tin.

Due to previously entering Season 2.0, HammerHead was allowed to skip the preliminary rounds of Season 3.0, where it eventually faced Rim Tin Tin. The fight started with HammerHead making a quick drive across the BattleBox to try to push Rim Tin Tin, but both robots have trouble steering, so little hitting is done by either robot. HammerHead gets a good position on Rim Tin Tin and pushes it onto the killsaws. HammerHead tries to push Rim Tin Tin into the screws, but it only pushes it against the base of the screw. Both robots were driving around the BattleBox and Rim Tin Tin was having trouble getting its lifting arm low enough to get underneath HammerHead, but not so low as to lift itself.


HammerHead gets tossed by the killsaws.

HammerheadvsRimTinTin sf01

HammerHead watches a flipped Rim Tin Tin.

HammerHead got a small pop from the hellraisers and then drives over the killsaws, sending it 2½ feet into the air. Suddenly, Rim Tin Tin got flipped by the arena piston and it was unable to self-right. HammerHead watches the flipped Rim Tin Tin and then reversed itself onto the killsaws. This actually immobilized HammerHead, possibly due to an overheated speed controller or motors, but Rim Tin Tin was immobilized first and it was being counted out. HammerHead won the fight by KO at 2:31.

HammerHead vs. Wedge of Doom

WODvsHammerhead sf01

Wedge of Doom lifts HammerHead against the screws.

HammerHead advanced to the Round of 32, where it faced Wedge of Doom. In the match, Wedge of Doom lifted HammerHead against the screws and later pushed HammerHead under the pulverizer. After both robots were still moving in the end, the time ran out and Wedge of Doom won the fight on a unanimous 45-0 judges' decision. This meant that HammerHead was eliminated from the tournament once again.

Lightweight Consolation Rumble

Lw con rumble 3

HammerHead in the consolation rumble.

HammerHead also participated the Lightweight Consolation Rumble at the end of the tournament. HammerHead ultimately lost out to The Crusher and Reaper, marking the first and only time it would not win a lightweight rumble outright.

Competitive Wins/Losses[]

  • Wins: 2
  • Losses: 4

Exhibition Wins/Losses[]

  • Wins: 2
  • Losses: 1

Total Wins/Losses[]

  • Wins: 4
  • Losses: 5
Competition Wins Losses
Long Beach 1999 18 Robots (Rumble) Paranoid Android
Harvey WallBanger
Season 2.0 Sublime II
18 Robots (Rumble)
Beta Raptor
Season 3.0 Rim Tin Tin Wedge of Doom
The Crusher, Reaper (Rumble)


Long Beach 1999
Kilobots Rumble
Season 2.0
Lightweight Royal Rumble

Mark Beiro Introductions[]

"Like a battery operated mortician, poised to drive the last nail into your coffin. Here is HAMMERHEAD!"

"This robot's cup is always half empty while the other half is filled with rage. Here is HAMMERHEAD!"

"It's under strict doctor's orders. Take two aspirins, bust up a robot and call me in the morning. It's a hero to all HMO's. Introducing HAMMERHEAD!"


Any appearances by HammerHead in merchandise are listed below:
