Clutch and Clash was a short-lived toy line released by HEXBUG following the 2015 season of the BattleBots reboot on ABC.
Slightly larger than the Push Strikes, the Clutch and Clash toys were released in 2016 and bore resemblance to their World Championship I appearances. The functionality of these toys was near identical to the Grip N' Grappler line released by Road Champs in 2001 in line with Comedy Central BattleBots. They were largely in scale with these toys too, and with the HEXBUG RC line that the manufacturer prioritized in more recent years.
Each toy has a plastic tube protruding from the back attached to a black handle with a gray trigger. When pulled, this trigger would activate the toy's primary weapon. Unlike the original toys, however, the handles could be removed if desired as they could often make the toys awkward the play with.
Only two BattleBots competitors were ever released in the Clutch and Clash line, with no known prototypes for intended releases:
Though HEXBUG have offered no official word concerning the future of Clutch and Clash toys, there have been no new releases since 2016 and the released toys are no longer available to purchase on either the HEXBUG website or the BattleBots Store.
- With just two toys released, Clutch and Clash is the shortest-lived line of BattleBots merchandise to date.