BattleBots Beginnings (Also known as BattleBots Beginnings: Long Beach California 1999) is one of two home video releases of BattleBots which features over 40 minutes of highlights of the Long Beach 1999 event.
It featured brief interviews in the pits with teams, battles montages and behind the scenes information. Only the Heavyweight (then known as Gigabot) Rumble is shown in full. The video was released on VHS in 2001, and on DVD in 2004, originally listed for $24 on the BattleBots website.[1]
- The BattleBox
- The Pit
- Battle Highlights
- Building a BattleBot
- The Rules
- More Battle Highlights
- Post-Battles
- Rumbles
- The Bots: Lightweights
- The Bots: Middleweights
- The Bots: Heavyweights
- Credits
Battles Featured[]
Fights listed in order of appearance - note that these fights were largely highlighted:
- frenZy vs. The Mauler
- KillerHurtz vs. Punjar
- Deadblow vs. Red Scorpion
- FrenZy vs. Nightmare
- Harvey WallBanger vs. Toe-Crusher
- Mechadon vs. Ronin
- Defiant vs. Ziggo
- Gigabot Royal Rumble
- Spike of Doom vs. The Missing Link
- Deathtrap vs. Rott-Bott
- Ankle Biter vs. Turtle Road Kill
- Executioner vs. Gorange 3
- HammerHead vs. Paranoid Android
- Knee-Breaker vs. Stuffie
- Mouser Catbot 2001 vs. Shrike
- Little Slice vs. Junior
- Namreko 3000 vs. Punjar
- Juggernaut vs. Vlad the Impaler
- Defiant vs. Endotherm
- Rhino vs. S.L.A.M.
- Razer vs. Voltarc
- Knome vs. Stinger
- Tentoumushi vs. W.L.O.W.
- RACC vs. The Crusher
- Juggernaut vs. K.I.S.S.
- Agrippa vs. Ronin
- Harvey WallBanger vs. HammerHead
- Malicious Mischief vs. Vlad the Impaler
- Knome vs. W.L.O.W.
- RACC vs. Spike of Doom
- Hot Air vs. Ziggo
- Little Slice vs. Stuffie
- Deathtrap vs. Executioner
- Lock-Nut Monster vs. Shrike
- The Crusher vs. The Missing Link
- Ankle Biter vs. Son of Smashy
- Instigator vs. Sallad
- Carnivore vs. Spaz
- Rhino vs. Tazbot
- Defiant vs. Rasta
- frenZy vs. Nightmare
- Executioner vs. Ziggo
- Toe-Crusher vs. Paranoid Android
- BioHazard vs. Monster
- Knee-Breaker vs. Junior
- Deathtrap vs. Gorange 3
- Harvey WallBanger vs. Lock-Nut Monster
- Razer vs. Agrippa
- Deadblow vs. Son of Smashy
- Defiant vs. The Crusher
- Tentoumushi vs. Sallad
- Ankle Biter vs. SlapPest
- Spike of Doom vs. Rasta
- Spaz vs. Stuffie
- The Mauler vs. Punjar
- frenZy vs. Namreko 3000
- Razer vs. Tazbot
- W.L.O.W. vs. Instigator
- Crock vs. Kill-O-Amp
- The Crusher vs. The Missing Link
- BioHazard vs. Tazbot
- Toe-Crusher vs. Executioner
- Kill-O-Amp vs. BioHazard
- Monster vs. Crock
- The Crusher vs. W.L.O.W.
- Rhino vs. Voltarc
- Spike of Doom vs. Endotherm
- Juggernaut vs. Malicious Mischief
- Carnivore vs. Knee-Breaker
- Deathtrap vs. Shrike
- Executioner vs. Mouser Catbot 2001
- Punjar vs. frenZy
- Monster vs. Rhino
- KillerHurtz vs. Vlad the Impaler
- Nightmare vs. KillerHurtz
- Tentoumushi vs. Defiant
- Ziggo vs. Toe-Crusher
- Deadblow vs. Junior
- Carnivore vs. Turtle Road Kill
- Endotherm vs. The Missing Link
- Paranoid Android vs. Mouser Catbot 2001
- GoldDigger vs. Ronin
- Rhino vs. Vlad the Impaler
- Razer vs. Kill-O-Amp