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Not to be confused with middleweight competitor The Annihilator.

Annihilator was a heavyweight competitor built by Team Brute Force which competed exclusively in the 1999 BattleBots Las Vegas event.

It was a wooden box-shaped robot armed with a small spinning blade.

Annihilator enjoyed a brief and unsuccessful run at Las Vegas, losing its only match to frenZy.

Team Brute Force also built a number of other robots for the 1999 Long Beach event and Comedy Central BattleBots seasons, including the lightweight HammerHead and middleweight Twister.

Robot History[]

Las Vegas 1999[]

Annihilator vs. frenZy

Annihilator vs Frenzy 2

Annihilator tips frenZy over.

Annihilator vs Frenzy

Annihilator pushes frenZy into the killsaws.

Annihilator's first match was against frenZy. During the match, Annihilator managed to push frenZy into the killsaws at one point, as well as flip frenZy over and push it into the wall after it righted itself, even though it took a pounding from frenZy's hammer and was unable to get its spinning bar working. Despite those moments of success, frenZy won on an 8-1 judges' decision and advanced to the Round of 16, eliminating Annihilator from the competition.

Heavyweight Royal Rumble

Annihilator wasn't finished, however, as it returned for the Heavyweight Royal Rumble at the end of the tournament.


  • Wins: 0
  • Losses: 1

Annihilator in the pits.

Competition Wins Losses
Las Vegas 1999 None FrenZy

